Dark Knight Noma Prime
The chart depicts the dynamics of Bitcoin (BTC/USD) (orange line), the BTC/VIX Ratio (green line), and the 52-week Z-Score (blue line). The analysis focuses on Bitcoin's tops and bottoms as well as the behavior of the Z-Score. 1. Observations on Bit
CWY Prime
* 融資餘額增加:當融資餘額增加時,表示投資者借款購買股票的意願增加,可能代表投資者對市場看好,預期股價上漲。這可能是市場情緒轉好的信號。 * 融券餘額增加:當融券餘額增加時,表示投資者借券賣出股票的意願增加,可能代表投資者對市場看空,預期股價下跌。這可
Major Economy M2 and Gold and BTC
偉訓 袁 Prime
1457 0
新承作房貸利率為中央銀行統計五大行庫台銀、合庫銀、土銀、華銀及一銀每月的新承作房屋貸款利率,並於每月月底公佈。 央行升息,房貸利率傾向上升,不利房市;反之,央行降息,房貸利率傾向下降,有利房市。